I was totally freaked after finding the flowers in my room. My nightmares had returned with a vengeance. Alice heard me screaming in my sleep Sunday night. She ran into my room panicked.
“Bella, what happened?”
It took me a few seconds to realize I was safe in my dorm room. “I’m sorry I woke you, Alice. I’m fine, it was just a nightmare.”
“That sounded like more than a nightmare. Please don’t shut me out. I want to be here for you.”
“Honestly, Alice, it was nothing. I promise I will be fine. Go back to sleep.”
Alice reluctantly gave in and went back to her room. I glanced at my clock and saw it was three in the morning. I did not go back to sleep. I lay on my bed curled in a ball and cried. The nightmare was so vivid I could smell my mom’s perfume. It brought back all of the pain and grief over her death.
I finally decided at six to head to the bathroom to get a shower and start my day. Thankfully, it was empty. I needed some time to relax and think. Why was he coming after me now? It took me three years to get my life under control. I had finally made friends again, and I was starting to feel like the girl I was before he came into my life. Tommy would be so proud if he could see me with my new friends. I saw the sadness in his eyes when he would look at me. I knew he was tired of being my protector and caretaker. That was one of the main reasons I had to get away for college. He deserved to have a normal life.
The hot water calmed me and helped clear my mind. I stepped into the hall to find Edward waiting for me.
"Alice called me. She said you had a pretty nasty nightmare. Want to tell me about it?" I glared at Alice as Edward followed me into my room.
"It was nothing. The flowers really messed with my head. I'm fine. No need to worry."
Edward grabbed my hands and looked at me like his heart was breaking. "Bella, I’m worried about you. Those flowers really scared you. A stalker is a serious problem, and I don't think I could handle it if anything happened to you."
"Edward, I will be fine. It just spooked me a little. I promise to be very careful, and I will let you know if I get anything else, or if something scares me, ok?"
"Fine. Bella, I promise that I will not let anything happen to you." Edward gave me a quick hug and headed back to his room.
After our little talk, Edward refused to let me be alone. If he couldn’t be with me, he arranged for Emmett or Jasper to be there. The next week, one of the guys was always there to walk me to and from classes. They even sat with me in the library while I did research for a paper. No one had ever cared this much for me other than Tommy and Charlie. I just didn't understand why Edward was so interested in my safety.
Thursday night I had a rather nasty dream, and Alice had to call Edward to calm me down. I felt like he was in my room watching me. Edward checked every possible hiding place in my room to set my mind at ease. He refused to go back to his room that night. He sat on the floor next to my bed and rubbed circles on my back and hummed a beautiful tune to settle my nerves. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. I woke up the next morning to find Edward still on the floor. His arms were folded on my bed. He was asleep with his head on his arms. I ran my fingers through his hair trying to gently wake him up. His hair was so silky. I never wanted to let it go.
"Edward, wake up."
"Wake up, we need to get ready for class."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, thank you for staying with me."
"Anytime, Bella. You have anything planned after your last class today?"
"No. I was just going to come back to my room. Why?"
"We have soccer practice today. I would feel a lot better if you were at our practice so we could keep an eye on you."
"Hmm, sit in my room and do homework or watch a group of sweaty, possibly shirtless guys practice soccer. That is such a hard choice to make." I rolled my eyes at Edward.
"If the thought of watching us is that repulsive, I guess I could always send you shopping with Alice and Rose."
I playfully smacked Edward on his arm. "There is no way in hell I'm going shopping with them anytime soon, so I guess soccer it is."
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the guys during practice. I was graced with the glory of Edward shirtless and sweaty. I wondered if Edward took his shirt off just because of my shirtless comment. I didn't care. I desperately wanted to dream of shirtless, sweaty Edward tonight instead of my usual nightmare.
We headed back to the dorm once practice was over. I tried to tell the guys I didn't need them to worry about me so much. I didn't like them changing their lives to take care of me all day. They refused to change anything. I felt guilty and relieved at the same time.
We were about twenty feet from the dorm when I looked across the courtyard and dropped my bag and squealed. I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the arms of Tommy. He held me tight and twirled me around. I was still squealing when the guys caught up to me with panicked looks on their faces.
"Oh my God, what are you doing here?" Edward looked at me like I had just run over his puppy. I didn't quite understand why he looked so destroyed.
"Do you honestly think I would let this weekend go by without seeing you?"
"Umm, I was kinda hoping you would."
Edward cleared his throat to get my attention. "Oh, I'm sorry. Tommy, this is Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. Guys, this is my little brother Tommy." Edward's face lit up with his glorious crooked grin.
"Nice to meet you guys. I've heard so much about all of you. I'm glad you are taking good care of my big sister." Tommy leaned in to me and unsuccessfully tried to whisper, "So, that is Edward."
Edward's face lit up even more when he heard Tommy. I smacked Tommy on his arm and told him yes through clenched teeth.
"Tommy, what’s so special about this weekend?" I glared at Edward when he asked that question.
"Bella's birthday is tomorrow. I couldn't let that go with just a phone call."
"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday? You know Alice is going to be upset you didn't say something." Edward looked hurt.
"Alice is the exact reason I didn't want you guys to know. She will go overboard with a party and presents I don't need."
"Well, that’s inevitable now. You’ll have it even worse because you didn't tell her."
"Great." I rolled my eyes thinking of Alice going overboard.
We made our way up to my room. Tommy brought his sleeping bag and was going to camp out on my floor tonight and tomorrow. Tommy was having a great time telling the guys some embarrassing stories from when we were kids. My face was bright red by the time we made it to my room.
"Bella, you haven't called me or talked to me in the last week. Does this mean that nothing else has happened since your second night here?"
"What happened your second night, Bella?" Edward asked, concerned.
"Edward, it was nothing. I just got spooked going back to the dorm from the dining hall. I thought I heard someone whisper ’Sugar,’ and it scared me. No big deal." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Last weekend Bella came home to a dozen blush roses and this note in her room. She has had nightmares every night starting Sunday. She told me about her stalker, and I refused to let her be alone this past week. We have made sure one of us guys was always with her roaming around campus." Edward was rubbing circles on my back as usual. Tommy crouched on the floor in front of me.
"Bella, why didn't you tell me? This isn’t like hearing something. This is physical evidence that he is here. We have to tell Charlie."
"NO! Charlie will make me come home. I don't want to leave. I like it here." I was in tears again.
"Fine, I won't tell Charlie, but you better not be alone at any time, and the next time something else happens or shows up in your room you better tell me."
“I promise.”
We spent the rest of the evening hanging out in my dorm room. We watched a few movies, and Tommy continued to tell the gang more embarrassing stories about me. Alice, of course, was upset and hurt that I didn’t tell her about my birthday. I talked her into not throwing me a huge party and not taking me to a ridiculously expensive restaurant. I finally agreed to a simple dinner at her house.
It felt like being at home with Tommy camped out on my floor. He always helped keep the nightmares away. I hadn’t slept that well since I arrived at school except when Edward stayed with me after my nightmare. I was so confused by Edward. Why did I feel so safe around him and why did the nightmares stay away when he was with me? I decided I didn't care why. The only thing that mattered was that Edward was my friend and I would do my best to keep his friendship and relish the little bit of comfort he provided.
I woke up the next morning to find Alice and Tommy huddled over my computer. They were talking in whispers and quickly shut down the Internet before I could see what they were up to. Alice had my entire day planned for me. We were going to have a girls day of pampering with massages, pedicures, and manicures before we headed to her house for my birthday dinner. Tommy would be spending the day with the guys and go with them to the Cullens’ house.
The massage was heavenly. No amount of time spent in a steaming hot shower could compare to the relaxation I felt after my massage. I wondered if my measly budget could stretch to accommodate this luxury every now and then. The manicure was relaxing too. Definitely not the torture I expected it to be. The pedicure was not my favorite part of the day. I had always had problems with people touching my feet. I don't know why, but I would always freak out if anyone even pretended to reach for them. I gritted my teeth and suffered through the torture. I refused to hurt Alice by letting her know I was not enjoying any part of the pampering.
Alice insisted on going to the mall to buy me a new outfit for my birthday. I tried my hardest to fight her on it, but she won out in the end. She used her secret weapon on me, the Cullen pout. She had perfected it and could get anything she wanted with it. Edward and Emmett weren't as good as Alice, but they still had used it successfully on me a few times.
Alice's idea of a new outfit did not consist of a simple pair of jeans and a top. No. Her first stop was Victoria's Secret for a new set of lingerie. Our next stop was the food court. I had a feeling Alice was letting me refuel because this was only the beginning of shopping hell.
"Bella, I can't believe you weren't going to tell me it was your birthday."
"Everything you have done and have planned today is the exact reason why I did not want to tell you. There is no reason to buy me all of this stuff and make a big deal about today."
"Everyone deserves to be pampered and showered with gifts on their birthday. Get used to it. So, you and Edward seem to be getting pretty cozy together."
Girl talk. The one thing I have been avoiding since our last trip to the mall. I had been doing a pretty good job of always having one of the guys with me and successfully dodging the whole girl talk thing.
"I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders and focused on my pizza.
Rose rolled her eyes at me. "Come on, Bella. Tanya has been driving me crazy all week asking me about you and Edward. It is killing her to see the two of you together. She is dying to get her claws into him. I need some details if I'm going to be able to hold her off."
"I honestly don't know what to tell you guys. We have become really good friends since the party. We have talked a lot. He knows almost my entire life story now. I don't know what he thinks or feels. All I know is I feel safe and protected around him. Emmett and Jasper make me feel that way too, but it’s different with Edward. It’s more intense. Everything with him seems to be that way. When we touch, I feel an electrical spark that runs through my body. I’ve never had that happen before."
I looked up from my pizza to see Alice and Rose staring at me with their mouths hanging open in shock. "Bella, you really need to talk to Edward. I think his feelings for you run deeper than friendship. Trust me. I have never seen him act this way over a girl. Not even ones he dated."
"Alice, I don't want things to get weird between us if what he’s feeling is only friendship. I rely on him too much to lose what we have over a misunderstanding." I was doing my best to fight off the tears that wanted to come.
"Bella, you won't mess anything up," Rose insisted. "I’ve seen what Alice is talking about. Promise us that before we go back to the dorm tonight you will talk to Edward."
"Fine. I'll try to talk to Edward. If you guys are wrong and this messes things up, I will make your lives a living hell the rest of the year."
We finished our lunch and head
ed to Saks. Thankfully, Alice already had an idea what she wanted to buy. She said she had been eyeing it when she was here yesterday. She bought me a purple wrap around sweater dress that came just above my knees. It had long sleeves, v-neck and a self-tie wrap belt. It hugged all of my curves and was so comfortable. I was so glad Alice didn’t go overboard. She finished it off with a pair of black tights and black Jimmy Choo patent leather pumps with an ankle strap. I had a problem with the shoes.
"Alice, do you really want me to spend my birthday in the ER? If so, then by all means, buy me these death traps." I had my arms crossed and was tapping my toe impatiently.
"Bella, you will be fine in these shoes. I promise you will not hurt yourself tonight. I picked a pair of heels that weren’t stilettos, so you’ll be fine. Besides, Edward would never let you fall." Alice had that knowing look on her face. I knew when I saw that look not to argue with her. What she was saying would have a way of coming true. Of course the idea of Edward having to keep me from falling all night was extremely appealing.
"Okay, Alice. I'll wear them, but I better not end up hurt tonight."
After Alice had thoroughly abused her credit card in the name of my birthday, we made our way back to the dorm. We had two hours before we were supposed to be at Alice's house for my birthday dinner. Alice and Rose spent an hour curling my hair and applying my makeup. Edward had mentioned to Alice how much he liked my hair the night of the party, so she fixed it the same way.
It took us thirty minutes to get to the Cullens’ house from the campus. After a five-minute drive on a dirt road, we stopped in front of a huge three story white and tan mansion. There was a series of waterfalls that led to the front courtyard. It was unbelievable. The front door opened into a huge living area. The furniture was white and cherry wood. Behind the living area was a room stocked with a huge flat screen TV and every game system you could imagine. The boys were already settled into this room and lost in a game of Halo 3. To the left was a room with a piano and to the right was the entrance to the kitchen. I had such a warm and inviting feeling the minute I stepped into the house.

Alice led me to the kitchen where Dr. Cullen and his wife were putting the finishing touches on dinner.
"Mom, Dad, this is my roommate Bella. Bella, this is my dad, Carlisle and my mom, Esme."
I put my hand out to shake Dr. Cullen's. "It is so nice to meet you Dr. Cullen. Thank you so much for having me over."
"Bella, please call me Carlisle. It is our please to celebrate your birthday in our home."
I turned toward Mrs. Cullen and attempted to shake her hand. She surprised me by pulling me into a hug that could rival one of Emmett's. "Bella, I'm so glad to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you from all of my children. You seem to have made quite an impression on all of them."
"Thank you Mrs. Cullen. I'm very lucky to have Alice as a roommate and Emmett and Edward as friends. You have such a lovely home."
"Please, call me Esme. Now, you girls go to the entertainment room and try to get the boys away from their video game. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."
Carlisle and Esme took their places at each end of the table. Edward was seated to the left of Carlisle. I was between Edward and Tommy. Emmett sat to the right of Carlisle. Next to him were Rose, then Alice and finally Jasper.
Dinner was amazing. Esme made a wonderful Italian meatloaf with mashed potatoes and corn. She even had pickles on the table to go with my mashed potatoes. Tommy obviously told her what my favorite meal was.
“Bella, is there something you forgot to tell us?” Edward looked very disgusted and sad at the same time.
“Umm, no. I think you already know just about everything about me, Edward. What do you think I didn’t tell you?”
“Well…umm…are you…you aren’t…pregnant?” Edward’s face was bright red by the time he finally finished his question.
I burst into laughter. “NO! Why would you think that?”
“Seriously, Bella. Pickles with mashed potatoes. That just isn’t normal.” The disgust was back on Edward’s face.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. It’s my mom’s fault. She always ate her mashed potatoes this way and it just stuck with me. How Tommy didn’t develop a taste for it is a mystery to me.”
“You and Mom both used to gross me out every time you pulled the pickles out. Just be glad I made sure Esme had some handy. I figured I would be nice since it is your birthday.” I hadn’t talked about my mom since graduation night. It was hard and I was starting to feel the pain of her loss again. Edward noticed the look on my face and gave me a questioning look.
“Bella, you have never mentioned your mom before. Do you talk with her a lot?” I couldn’t bring myself to answer Alice. I was fighting the tears with all the strength I had. Tommy noticed my struggle and decided to step in.
“Bella doesn’t talk about Mom because she died three years ago,” Tommy replied sadly. “We still struggle with it sometimes.” Edward started rubbing my back, and the electric shock of his touch coursed through my body and immediately calmed my nerves.
“I’m so sorry, Bella. I didn’t know. I would never have asked.” Alice was on the verge of tears.
“It’s okay, Alice. You had no idea. May I be excused for just a moment?”
Esme stood up and motioned me out of the dining room. “Let me show you to the restroom so you can freshen up, dear.” She put her arms around me shoulders, and Edward followed us out towards the restroom. “Bella, if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to talk to me.”
“Thank you, Esme. I’ll remember that. I’m much better now. I’ll be back in just a minute.” Esme gave me a quick hug and joined everyone else in the dining room.
Edward pulled me into his arms and started to rub my back. I relaxed into him and held on tight to him. I once again found myself marveling at the comfort and protection I felt in his embrace. I decided now was the perfect time to attempt to talk to him about my feelings.
“Edward, thank you so much for everything. I don’t know how I would have survived this past week without you.”
“Bella, you are more than welcome. Thank you for letting me. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel this connection to you. It’s almost electrical when we touch. I want nothing more than to keep you in my arms and protect you from everything.” Edward was speaking just above a whisper, so only I could hear him.
“I feel it too.” I felt the familiar lump in my throat as my tears tried to break lose again.
“Bella, I know we are friends, and I value your friendship more than anything, but I want to be more than friends. Do you think that is possible?”
My heart started racing. He was feeling the same things I was and had the same concerns as me. I couldn’t believe it. He wanted to be more than friends.
“Bella, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t mean to scare you. Please tell me this won’t mess up anything we already have established.” Edward had a terrified look on his face.
“Edward, calm down. You just shocked me. I have been thinking and feeling the same thing. I would love to be more than friends, but I would like to take it slow. This is all new to me.” I looked deep into his eyes. They were sparkling brighter than I had ever seen.
Edward pulled me into a tight hug again and kissed the top of my head. “I have no problem at all with going slow. I don’t want to mess up anything we have or could possibly have. So, I guess this makes me your boyfriend, huh?” He gave me his playful smirk.
“You would guess right. Now let’s go back to the party.”
We walked into the dining room holding hands and smiling. Alice gave me a knowing look. I simply nodded my head and smiled even bigger. She let out a small squeak and ran to our side of the table. She gave me a big hug and then headed into the kitchen with Esme on her heels.
Five minutes later they brought out this huge chocolate cake with chocolate covered strawberries covering the top, cascading down the side and circling the entire cake. It was beyond beautiful. Luckily Alice bought the number candles, and I didn’t have to blow out nineteen individual ones. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” and devoured their cake.
Once we were done with the cake Alice set five gifts in front of me. Edward put his arm around my waist and encouraged me to start.
The first gift was from Carlisle and Esme. I blushed when I read the card and realized they gave me something. It was unlimited treatments for a year at the spa we were at today. “Carlisle, Esme, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“We didn’t have to, we wanted to. Alice told me how much you enjoyed your massage, so I figured this way you could get one any time you needed it”
“Thank you so much.” I was getting choked up again. I just met them and they were treating me with such acceptance and kindness.
“I pampered Bella with a day at the spa, and I bought her the lovely outfit she is wearing tonight as her gift. You’re welcome, Edward. I already know you like it.” Alice smirked at him.
“Thank you, Alice. Bella looks more than beautiful tonight.” Edward tightened his hold around my waist and kissed the top of my head. This was definitely going to take some getting used to.
The next gift was from Tommy. It was a beautiful, brown leather journal. He knew that writing in my journal was my form of therapy. Every year he would get me a new journal. Last year he got me this cute Mickey Mouse one, and the year before he got me a “Wicked” themed one. This was the most beautiful one he had ever given me. “Thank you so much, Tommy. I almost have Mickey full. I think there may be five pages left.”
“I know. Since you’re a college woman, I decided to get you something a little more sophisticated. I love you, sis.”
“I love you too, little brother.” Tommy gave me a big hug and sat back down.
I received a gift card for Barnes and Noble from Jasper. We had a few discussions about books during one of his Bella-sitting sessions. I was touched that he realized how much I loved books.
Emmett and Rose gave me an iPod and an iTunes gift card. Emmett obviously got tired of my sneaking off with his. I couldn’t believe the gift card. There was enough money on it to buy music for the next five years.
The last gift was from Edward. I
t was a small box wrapped in shiny navy blue paper with a silver bow. I gasped when I unwrapped the gift to find a blue Tiffany & Co. jewelry box. I couldn’t believe he would spend that much on a gift for me. I opened the box and found a sterling silver butterfly pendant with aquamarines on a silver chain. I was speechless. It was beautiful.
“Edward, it’s beautiful. I can’t believe you would get this for me.” I felt a tear escape, and I quickly fought to hold back the rest.
“Bella, you are worth so much more than this. I would give you the world if you would let me.” Edward pulled me into a hug, and I thanked him again.
We stayed at the Cullen’s until almost midnight. I had a lot of fun talking with Carlisle and Esme and hearing all of the great stories about the gang. Edward drove Tommy and me back to campus. He walked us to my door and gave me a quick hug and kissed my cheek before heading back to his room.
“Well, B, I can see why you haven’t called me so much this week. It seems like I’m leaving you in capable hands. They all seem to care about you very much, especially Edward.” Tommy waggled his eyebrows at me.
“Yes, I am very lucky to have found such great friends. Edward and I have decided to take it slow and see where it goes from here.”
“I’m so happy for you, sis. Now, let’s go to sleep. I have a long drive tomorrow, and I need my beauty sleep.”
“Yeah, right.” I rolled my eyes and turned out the lights.
Tommy left the next day after breakfast. It was hard to say goodbye. I was in tears, and he looked like he was holding them back. The whole gang showed up to say goodbye. After thirty minutes, Tommy finally made it into his car and left. Edward put his arm around my waist, and we all headed back to Alice’s room and mine.
I froze when I opened the door to my room. There was a box wrapped in birthday paper sitting on my bed. I was terrified.
Edward pulled me to my bed and sat next to me. He grabbed the gift and opened the card. He read it out loud for everyone.
"Happy Birthday, Sugar. I couldn't let this day go by without letting you know I was thinking about you. Always, James." I started crying hysterically. That note left no doubt that he was back.
Edward tentatively handed me the wrapped box. I slowly opened the box with shaking hands, and lifted the gift out of the box. It was a red embroidered baby doll with matching G-string. I dropped it and started crying again. I looked at Edward, and he had a murderous look on his face. Emmett and Jasper looked confused and Alice and Rose looked disgusted.
"Guys, I think it is time to tell you about James. Everyone needs to get comfortable. This will take a while.”