It only took two days for the news of the murder on Reed campus to reach Forks. The phone call I dreaded had finally come. It was Monday afternoon, and I was attempting to read a book while the guys were busy with soccer practice. Needless to say, the book was getting very little attention. My phone started ringing, and I groaned.
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you for loving me
“Daddy” by Beyonce coming from my phone told me that Charlie was calling. I cringed as I opened my phone to talk to my Dad.
“Hey, Dad.”
“Bells, are you alright. I just read about that girl being killed at your college. What happened?” The last time Charlie sounded that panicked was when he arrived in Phoenix after Mom died. Now I felt bad for not calling him Saturday.
“I’m fine, Char…um, Dad. Sorry I didn’t call on Saturday. We were all a bit shaken up when the police finally left.”
“Did you know her? What exactly happened? The paper didn’t go into detail,” Charlie was switching into Chief Swan mode now.
“We don’t really know much. She was found dead in the stairwell of our dorm. The police aren’t telling anyone anything.” I wondered if Chief Swan would call and try to get some information on the murder.
“This happened in your dorm?!” Charlie was yelling. I imagine his face was a purple color by now. “What are they doing to keep you safe? Do they have extra security on campus?”
“Yes, Dad, they have added more officers, and I am never alone. One of my friends is always with me. We are all a little scared and don’t want to be anywhere alone.” I was trying my best to calm Charlie. If I didn’t, he would either have a stroke, a heart attack, or jump in his cruiser and drag me back to Forks. None of those were anything I wanted to happen.
“Bella, I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you. I almost lost you and your brother, and I don’t think I could handle another phone call like the one I received three years ago.” I could hear Charlie choking up.
“Dad, I promise I will come home if I don’t feel safe. I would never want you to have to go through that again. Speaking of coming home, Fall Break is only a few weeks away and I was hoping to come home for a few days.”
“You better come home. I will worry about you until I can actually see you. I know Tommy was there for your birthday, but he already misses you like crazy. I couldn’t get him to shut up about his visit. He really likes your new friends.” Charlie and Tommy rarely talked, unless it was sports related. I was shocked they talked about me and my friends. Maybe going away to college was the best thing I could do for the both of them as well as myself.
“Okay, Dad, I’ll come home for a few days, but I want to bring someone with me. Edward is my boyfriend, and I would love for you to meet him.” I was so nervous that I felt nauseous.
“Tommy told me about Edward. Sounded like you two were already pretty close. I insist on meeting him,” Charlie said with an authoritative tone.
“I’ll ask Edward about it today. I do have one request that I need to explain. Edward makes me feel safe. He makes sure I make it to and from class safe.” My throat was dry. I didn’t know how I was going to choke out the next sentence. “Edward also keeps my nightmares away. Charlie, he stays in my room every night.” I closed my eyes tight waiting for the yelling to begin.
“HE WHAT?! YOU ARE ONLY 18! YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A BOY IN YOUR BED EVERY NIGHT!” I held the phone away from my ear and heard every word he said clearly.
“Calm down, Dad. Nothing is happening. We just sleep. I am in no way ready for that kind of relationship. Have a little faith in me and the way you raised me,” I answered Charlie with hurt in my voice.
“Charlie, listen to me. Nothing is going on but sleep. If you cannot accept the fact that Edward will be sleeping in my room with me, then I will not come home. I’ll stay in Portland during my break. I would really love to see you, but I will not come home if you are not going to be reasonable.” I couldn’t believe I actually made it through that without backing down. I was so proud of myself.
“Bells, I don’t like it. No dad likes to hear that their baby girl is sleeping with some guy. I know you say nothing is happening, but I still don’t like it. You have been through so much, and I don’t think I could take it if this Edmund guy hurt you too.” There was a sincerity to Charlie’s tone I’d never heard before. It touched me to know he cared that much. Tears had slowly started to fall down my cheeks.
“Dad, his name is Edward. Please don’t embarrass me by not getting his name right when we get there. You don’t have to worry about me. Edward would never hurt me. Please wait to make any judgments about him until you meet him. I know you’ll really like him. We’ll leave for Forks after our last class and be home late on Thursday the sixteenth.”
“Okay, kiddo. I will be on my best behavior. I do have a few rules while he is at the house. No closing your door at night, and I will be popping into your room at night to check on you. I don’t like what I see, and he will be on the couch in the blink of an eye.”
“I can live with that. Thank you, Dad. I love you, and we will see you on the sixteenth. Bye.”
“Bye, Bells. I love you too, honey.”
I let out a huge sigh of relief. I had been putting off that conversation for the last few days. I was lost in my own world thinking about Charlie and Tommy when a soft touch to my cheek startled me.
“Why are you crying, love?” I looked up to see Edward crouched in front of me all sweaty and flushed from practice. I couldn’t think straight. I was now lost in my Edward-induced lust. “Bella, what’s wrong?”
I shook my head to clear it. “Nothing. Sorry, I was just thinking.” I started to blush.
“Must have been good thoughts,” Edward said with a smug smile. “You still didn’t tell me why you were crying.”
“I was just talking to my dad on the phone. He finally heard the news about Tanya. It was a difficult conversation. Hey, Fall Break is coming up, and I was wondering if you would come home with me for a few days. I think it is time for you to meet Charlie.” I was so nervous that I was biting my lip and digging the toe of my shoe into the ground.
Edward grabbed me in a big hug and swung me around. “I would love to meet your dad.”
I couldn’t think straight. I was having actual contact with the skin of his chest and back. I was in heaven. His skin was so soft and smooth. His muscles were tight from the workout practice gave him. There was no way I could come up with anything coherent to say.
Edward put me down and pulled me back to look in my eyes. “What days will we be at your house?”
“Since our classes were cancelled on the seventeenth, I was hoping we could leave after our last class on the sixteenth. That would give us all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I figured we could head back to Reed sometime on Monday. Tommy wants us to go to the high school football game that Friday.”
“That sounds perfect. Could we spend the rest of the week at my house? Mom misses you.”
“Of course. I miss Esme too. I told my dad that you will be staying in my room with me.” I blushed a little when I told him.
“Is your dad going to meet me at the door with a shot gun?”
“No. I explained everything to him. He was not happy at first, but I talked him into it. Everything will be fine. He’ll love you.” I reached up and kissed his lips gently. I only meant to give him a quick kiss, but Edward had other plans. He pulled me close to his body and molded his lips to mine. Our lips moved together in a sweet rhythm. Edward opened his mouth and licked my lip and I froze. I had no idea what to do.
Edward pulled back and cupped my cheek, “I’m sorry, love. I got carried away.”
“Don’t apologize. I was just surprised. I’m sorry I ruined the moment,” I said lowering my head.
“You could never ruin anything, love. Come on, I need a shower.”
The next two weeks were fairly routine, and it was finally October. We still had no information about Tanya’s death. The guys still refused to let us go anywhere alone. I wasn’t complaining. I felt safer and my mind was at ease knowing that Alice and Rose were safe. Something kept bugging me about Tanya’s death. It was a feeling I got anytime I thought about her. I felt like I should know what happened and why. It was driving me crazy.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by an exasperated huff. I looked up to see Jessica and Lauren looking at me impatiently.
“Did you need something?” I asked incredulously.
“I just don’t understand what Edward sees in you,” Lauren sneered.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, look at you, all plain, ordinary, and weird. You obviously have mental issues. That stunt you pulled at the SubFree party proves that. I just don’t get it. Did you throw yourself at him the minute you saw him?” Lauren held back nothing as she attacked me.
“Lauren, I didn’t throw myself at him. I’m sorry if Edward is attracted to real girls, not ones filled with plastic and collagen, and that aren’t baked in a tanning bed. I did nothing to pursue Edward, it just happened. Why don’t you go find Mike or someone else who likes their girls manufactured?”
I grabbed my bag and attempted to exit the classroom. Lauren grabbed my arm and yanked me back in front of her. “You can’t hold onto him forever. He will eventually get tired of being with the new freak and come looking for me.”
“Lauren, that will never happen. Please remove your hand from my girlfriend before I go against my upbringing and hurt a female.” Edward had a murderous glare on his face. Lauren cringed and let go of my arm.
“We’ll see who’s laughing when you do get tired of her and come begging for me on your hands and knees, Eddie.” Lauren flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked out of the room. She attempted to be sexy and sway her hips as she walked. It looked more like she had a wedgie she was trying to loosen. I couldn’t help but snicker as she left.
“What’s so funny, love?” Edward asked with an amused look on his face.
“I think she was trying to be sexy as she left, but she was far from it.” I was in tears now from laughing so hard.
“Yes, far from sexy. Let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”
I was glad it was Friday. I just wanted to chill out all weekend and avoid Lauren. Edward agreed, and we decided to hang out in Alice’s room with the gang. Rose was still pretty shaken over Tanya. She refused to step foot in her room. Alice would go and get anything she needed. She was still staying with Emmett in Edward’s room. We all seemed to feel more relaxed when we were all together.
We spent Saturday afternoon watching the guys’ soccer game. I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed soccer. My dad would be so happy to finally have me interested in a sport.
We headed back to the dorm so the guys could get showered and changed for dinner. I gasped when I saw all of the police cars and ambulance outside our dorm just like a few weeks ago. Edward pulled me closer to his side as we walked up to the dorm entrance. They had the entrance blocked off with crime scene tape. An officer walked toward us as we got closer to the entrance.
“This is an active crime scene. I’m going to have to ask you to step back.”
“Sir, we live here. What is going on?” Alice stepped up and tried the Cullen pout to get her way with the officer.
“Ma’am, I cannot divulge any information. I will let the detective know that you are residents, and if he needs any information I will send him this way.”
We stood about ten feet away from the entrance trying to see what was going on in the lobby. We were there about thirty minutes before one of the detectives started walking towards us. He walked past Alice and Jasper headed for Rose. I recognized him as the detective who questioned her about Tanya.
“Hello, Ms. Hale. I’m sorry to have to talk to you again under these circumstances. There has been another murder in the dorms. Did you know a Ms. Lauren Mallory?”
I gasped when he said Lauren’s name. He quickly turned to me. “Miss?”
“Swan, Bella Swan,” I answered him with my head hung down.
“Ms. Swan, did you know Ms. Mallory?”
“Yes.” Edward squeezed my hand.
“Can you tell me the last time you saw Ms. Mallory?” The detective pulled out his notepad and pen and started taking notes.
“Yesterday in English class,” I said gasping for air.
“Did you notice anything unusual about her or anyone following her?”
“Honestly, I didn’t know her that well. I talked to her a few times, but other than that I couldn’t tell you if anything was unusual.” I was starting to feel uncomfortable with his questions since Lauren did not like me. “Detective, what happened to her?”
“I’m not at liberty to discuss the specifics of the case at this time. If I have any more questions I will be sure to find you.” The detective walked back into the lobby.
We quietly watched the lobby for any signs of what was happening. I saw an officer walking toward a squad car with evidence bags in his hand. I froze when I saw a few of the items in the evidence bags. One was a blush rose and the other was a red silk scarf. Edward glanced at me curiously and started to rub my back. I was hyperventilating and even Edward’s touch was not calming me. I lost the battle and collapsed in Edward’s arms.
My eyes slowly opened to find myself surrounded by my friends, two EMTs, and the detective we’d just talked to.
“Bella, what happened?” Edward asked franticly.
“I saw what was in some of the evidence bags the officers were carrying.”
“Miss Swan, what did you see that caused you to panic like that?” The detective had his notepad out again.
“I saw the rose and the red scarf.” All of my friends gasped. The detective looked at them confused.
“Why would that cause you to panic?”
“Detective, I think I know who you are looking for. You need to call Detective Marcus of the Phoenix Police Department. Tell him you need the case of Renee Swan’s murder from March 2005. You will find all the answers you need in that file. Were those same items found at Tanya’s murder too?” He did not answer my last question, but he didn’t have to. His eyes told me that she had a rose and scarf too.
“Miss Swan, I need a number to reach you if I have any further questions.”
I quickly gave the detective my contact information. We were finally cleared to go back to our rooms. I was terrified. James was back and more lethal than before. I just couldn’t understand why he would kill Tanya and Lauren. I’d never spoken to Tanya. She only knew who I was because Rose was her roommate and I was dating Edward. Lauren and I were never friends. She only had animosity toward me because I was dating Edward. We all decided we didn’t want to be separated any more than was necessary. I always felt there was better safety in numbers. We moved Emmett’s bed from his room into Alice’s. Her room was a little bigger than mine and accommodated two beds a lot easier.
The next week the detective called me to discuss the details of my mother’s case. He could not believe I had lived through that ordeal. They had no solid proof that James was the person responsible for the deaths of Tanya and Lauren. He argued that anyone who followed the case when my mother died could easily use the details here as a way to mess with my mind. I knew better. I already had the proof that James was here. The police never released the details of James’s gift to me at Christmas. He told me he would be back to finish what he started. I just couldn’t understand why he was killing innocent people.
Two weeks passed with nothing further from James. The entire campus was in a state of panic. The police were still not releasing any information about the murders or the link to my mother’s murder to the press. The police did not want the media harassing me.
It was finally Thursday, October 16th, and Edward and I were on our way to Forks to visit my family for Fall Break. Rose, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper would be spending the entire Fall Break at the Cullens’ house. We finally pulled into the driveway to my house at nine. I was stiff from the car ride.
Charlie threw the door open, and he and Tommy were at my door before I was out of the car. They dragged me out of the car while Edward grabbed our bags out of the trunk. Tommy helped Edward get the bags to my room, and Charlie sat with me in the living room.
“Bells, it is so good having you home. I’ve missed you so much. Tommy said you are doing pretty good at school. Says you have some great friends.” Charlie was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt while he talked. I knew he was nervous when he did that. Tommy and Edward came around the corner and sat on the couch on either side of me. Edward started to put his arm around me, but stopped when he received an icy glare from Charlie.
“Dad, this is my boyfriend Edward. Edward, this is Charlie.”
“It is nice to meet you, sir.” Edward extended his hand to shake Charlie’s. I let out the breath I was holding when Charlie shook Edward’s hand.
“Please call me Charlie. Tommy tells me you have been taking good care of our Bells.” Charlie continued to glare at Edward.
“I try my best. She is so stubborn, so sometimes she makes it difficult.” I rolled my eyes at Edward.
“Dad, I’m really tired. Do you think we could finish the interrogation tomorrow, Chief Swan?”
“Sure, sure. Remember the rules. The door stays open, and I will be in throughout the night to check on you.” I gave my dad my best army salute and grabbed Edward’s hand and headed up the stairs.
I used the bathroom first to get ready for bed. Edward headed in when I got back to my room. Tommy stopped in my room before heading to his.
“It really is great to have you back home, sis. Have you had any more problems with James?”
“He left me a birthday present and is apparently the one responsible for the murders occurring on campus.” Tommy’s jaw dropped.
“Why did you say something earlier? You know Dad will not be happy about this.”
“That is why we aren’t going to tell him. It’s bad enough he knows about the murders. He does not need to know that James is their prime suspect. The police received the file from Phoenix, so they know all about him. It’s only a matter of time before they catch him.” Tommy was hugging me so tight that I couldn’t breathe.
Edward walked in, and Tommy let me go. “Edward, you better take good care of her while she’s at school. Don’t let that bastard anywhere near her.”
“You have my word. I never leave her alone. He will have to go through me to get to her.” Edward crossed his heart with his hand as he made his promise to my brother.
“I’ll let you two get some sleep. Night, B. I love ya, big sis.”
“Love you too, little brother.” I gave Tommy a hug and quick kiss on the cheek before he headed to his room.
It was so surreal having Edward in my bed in my father’s house. I would have never thought there would be a guy in this bed with me in a million years. I couldn’t help but let a huge grin spread on my face. I always felt safe at home in my bed, but being in Edward’s arms magnified that feeling. I never wanted to lose that feeling of comfort and safety.
ReplyDeletei'm shaking in my boots. (or would be if i was wearing shoes)
i really can't stay serious. sorry. :)
but i love you (and this story!)
It makes me so happy to see you enjoying this story. Love ya!
ReplyDeletethis story is amazing! i can't stop reading! i love to see the relationship between Bella and Edward going deeper ;-) and i hate James *grrr* but now i have to stop, see you tomorrow ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Strauchi. I'm glad you like the story.