Edward and I grew closer every day after we professed our love to each other. He continued to spend every night in my bed. He even moved the majority of his things into my dorm room. I was terrified. We were too happy. That only meant that James was biding his time. He obviously wanted to completely destroy me this time. I didn't think I would be able to live if he did anything to hurt Edward. I needed to come up with a plan to get rid of James for good.
Alice spent the whole week planning our costumes for the SubFree Dorm's annual Halloween Bash. She said they had the best party every year. She dragged Rose and me to every costume shop in Portland. I was pretty sure I had tried on every sexy nurse, cheerleader, cop, and fairy tale character costume in the city. She would not listen to me when I told her I wanted something that actually covered my body. She was as frustrated with my lack of interest as I was with her lack of cloth in costume choices.
Edward finally stepped in on Thursday and pulled Alice aside before we attempted shopping again. They talked for about fifteen minutes in her room while I finished up my homework for class the next day. Edward came back into the room and pulled me close to him.
“I think I've got Alice under control, love. She shouldn't give you anymore problems about choosing your costume.” Edward lightly grazed my lips with his. I had started to move closer to deepen the kiss but was pulled away by the annoying pixie.
“Come on, Bella. We still have to find you the perfect costume. We only have four hours before the malls start closing,” Alice said tapping her foot impatiently.
“Go on, love. I'll be here waiting when you get back. I love you.”
“I love you too, Edward.” I kissed him on cheek and followed Alice to Rose's car.
We revisited a few shops from earlier in the week. I didn't understand why were back. We had found nothing of worth in these stores the first time.
“Alice, please explain to me why we are back here? I thought we were trying to find me a costume, not just shopping for the hell of it.”
“You did know that Edward wouldn't let me pick his costume, right?” I nodded my head.
“He finally told me what he has planned for his costume. Now that I know where to start, I can finally pick the perfect costume for you to match his.” Alice was beaming.
“Well, what is his costume?”
“No way. It's a surprise. Edward said he would hide all of my credit cards for a month if I told you what it was. I cannot live a day, let alone a month, without my babies.” Alice had that damn pout on her face. There would be no tricking her out of it.
“Fine. I won't push you for it. Please, please tell me that I will be clothed in more than a halter crop top and booty shorts. There is no way I am stepping foot into a party in a hoochie costume.” I was practically on my knees begging.
“Bella, I have the perfect costume in mind, I just have to find it. I promise you will be more clothed than when I normally dress you up for a date with Edward.” I was shocked. Normally she loved to put me in short dresses with low cut necklines for dates. I still didn't quite trust the evil pixie. She and Edward were up to something, and I couldn't quite figure it out.
We were at our third store when I heard the unmistakable “Alice found the perfect outfit” squeal. I rushed to the section she was at.
“Alice, please tell me you finally found it. I'm so tired and I want to get back to Edward.” Yes, I was in full whine mode.
“Bella, this is perfect.” Alice held up a floor length red satin dress with black lace accents. It had a bustier top and came with a black tulle and lace petticoat. It was gorgeous.
“Alice, I love this dress, but what is the costume?” I still didn't quite get the final vision.
“Silly, Bella. You are going to be a vampire. This dress is perfect. Blood red with black lace. All we will need to do is some make up and those great new fangs with custom mold to snap right over your teeth. This will be so perfect.”
We quickly purchased the dress, fake fangs, and some make up to make me look dead. I couldn't wait to get back to the dorm and show Edward my costume. Alice killed that plan fast.
“Edward will not see your costume until he picks you up tomorrow. Yours will be a surprise just like his.”
“Alice, didn't Edward tell you exactly what to get for me?” I was confused.
“Not exactly. He gave me a general category. He gave me no specifics about what it needed to look like. He will be blown away tomorrow. I don't think he'll see this coming.” Alice had that mischievous glint in her eye.
Alice headed to Rose's room to store my costume. She didn't want Edward to try and sneak a peek, and Rose's room was the only place to ensure that wouldn't happen.
“Did you finally find a costume, love?” Edward asked as I cuddled up next to him on the bed.
“Yes. It is beautiful. I can't wait 'til tomorrow.” I had a huge grin on my face. I just knew Edward would love the dress.
“Tell me about it.” I glanced up to Edward and saw his irresistible crooked grin.
“No way. You can smile that sexy crooked grin all you want, but I'm not talking. Your evil sister scares me too much.” I shuddered.
“Damn. Why does she have to be so scary? I can't compete with that.” Edward was pouting.
“You can wait. We have less than 24 hours before we will both be able to see our costumes. I can't wait.”
I kissed his cheek and grabbed Alice to head to the restroom to change and prepare for bed. The bathroom started creeping me out after that last note from James. He seemed to be everywhere watching me. Rose or Alice always accompanied me there. I think they were afraid to be alone in there as well.
Classes the next day dragged. I was anxious to get ready for the party. I was still curious about Edward's costume. I assumed it was a vampire, but there were so many choices available for a guy to be a vampire.
My last class of the day was the worst. Not only was it math, which I hated with a passion, but Mike Newton was in this class. He always sat next to me, and he was completely annoying.
“Hey, Bella. You going to the Halloween Bash tonight?” If Mike had a tail, it would be wagging 90 miles an hour.
“Yes, Edward and I will be there.” I rolled my eyes.
“Oh. I'll see you there.” Aforementioned tail would be tucked between his legs now. Comparing him to a golden retriever was so accurate. He didn't talk to me the rest of class. I was so excited when the professor dismissed us.
“Bella, I'll look for you tonight.” There was such a glimmer of hope in his eyes. I felt bad for him, but there was no way in hell I would lead him on.
“I'll be easy to find. Edward will be right by me. You know how hard it is to miss him.” I quickly picked up my bag and made my way out the door to find Edward waiting for me.
I pulled him into a tight hug and whispered, “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, love. Was Newton bothering you?” Edward looked extremely irritated.
“No, he was just asking if we would be at the party tonight.” I was caressing Edward's cheek while I spoke. He needed to calm down.
“It is none of his business. Maybe I need to remind him of that.” Edward was seething. Why did Newton get to him like that?
“Edward, don't worry about it. I made it very clear that I would be there with you and that you would be by my side the entire time. Don't let him ruin a wonderful night for us.” I reached up and lightly kissed his lips. Edward pulled me tighter and deepened the kiss. My knees started to give out, and Edward held me tighter. He finally broke the kiss and we were both panting. “I love you, Bella”
“I love you too.” I heard a sigh behind me and turned to see Mike walking away with his head hung down. I felt bad, but maybe he finally understood that Edward and I were together and no one would change that.
Edward dropped me off at our room, and Alice and Rose were already inside setting up the makeover torture chamber. It took three hours for each of us to be dressed with hair and make up complete.
They curled my hair into ringlets and pulled it up on the top of my head. A few ringlets framed my face. White make up was applied to give me that dead look. My eyes were dark and smoky, and I had on blood red lipstick. Alice insisted that I wear the Jimmy Choo pumps I wore for my birthday dinner. The fangs were the perfect touch. I felt like a sexy vampire.
Alice was dressed as a saloon girl. Her costume was a red velvet bustier top trimmed in lace with a black silk short skirt. She wore black silk gloves, a red and black feather boa, black thigh highs, and black stilettos. Alice finished the saloon girl look by wearing a black lace garter on her left arm and a red rose in her short spiky hair. Jasper's gunslinger costume was the perfect compliment to her. He wore faded blue jeans, cowboy boots, a white button up shirt, black vest, a red bandanna, and black duster. The best part of Jasper's costume was his authentic black Stetson hat. It's a good thing I had Edward. I might have fought Alice for Jasper dressed in that.
Rose and Emmett decided on pirate costumes. Emmett, of course, went all out and was in full Captain Jack Sparrow attire. He even had the wig. Rose wore a white lace mini dress with a hot pink captain's coat over it. Her costume included a hot pink pirate hat and black, lace up platform stiletto boots with hot pink cuffs at the top that matched her coat and hat.
I was standing in my room eagerly waiting for Edward to arrive. I had so many pictures going through my mind as to what he could be wearing. I wouldn't have to wait much longer. I felt two familiar hands cover my eyes.
“Hello, love. How is my sexy vampire vixen this evening?” Edward slowly turned me around and gasped when he got a complete look at my costume. “Bella, you look amazing.”
I blushed and gasped as well once I looked at his costume. I couldn't believe he remembered my comment about sexy vampires in leather pants. He was wearing black leather pants, a black button down shirt, a black leather duster, and “shit kickers” just like described in Dark Lover. I couldn't breath or speak. He looked beyond amazing.
“Breathe, Bella. Is the costume too much?” He looked down at his costume with a worried look.
“No. It's perfect,” I said breathlessly.
Edward pulled me into a tight embrace. “I was so worried you wouldn't like it. I guess from your reaction I did a good job choosing our costumes?”
“Definitely.” Edward gave me a quick kiss, and we headed to the SubFree Dorm.
The party was already crowded. It seemed like everyone was here. I couldn't believe all of the elaborate costumes. I saw several Freddy Krugers, Jasons, and Scream Ghouls. Most of the girls chose to be a naughty nurse, naughty cop, or naughty fairy tale character. I'm so glad I was not forced into one of those costumes. Edward and I were slowly making our way to get a drink when Edward was pulled away from me. I turned around to see Jessica dressed in a skanky witch costume. It was a pink bra top, a black bolero jacket with bell sleeves trimmed in pink mesh, a black and pink skirt with a jagged hem and wide silver belt, and a pink and black pointed witch hat. She had pulled Edward away and was rubbing all over him.
“Eddie, you look amazing in leather. I bet you look even better out of it.” She batted her eyelashes and giggled at him. Edward looked completely disgusted.
“Jessica, I really do need to get back to Bella. If you will please excuse me.” He tried to walk away, but Jessica refused to let him go.
“Eddie,” she whined. “You need a real woman to satisfy all of your needs, baby.” Jessica kept inching closer to Edward's lips.
“Bella is a real woman, and she satisfies every need and desire I have ever had. Please do not call me Eddie or baby ever again.” Edward brushed her off and started to walk away. Jessica grabbed his arm and pulled him back to her.
“You know she could never satisfy you. I know how to please a man. She wouldn't know the first thing to do in bed. It's time for you to drop the small town white trash and move up to a better class of woman.”
Edward was practically yelling his response to her. “Jessica, it doesn't get any higher class than Bella. She is perfect in every way. Don't ever try to bring her down to your level again. You are the trashy one.” Edward turned around and found me waiting for him. He grabbed my into a passionate kiss. After a few minutes of kissing he pulled me away from the skank witch.
“I'm so sorry you had to hear that, love. Jessica can't seem to take a hint.”
“Don't worry about it, Edward. She is your Mike Newton and can't seem to get it through her head that you don't want her. Just let it go and let's have a good time tonight.” Edward left to get us drinks and someone dressed like the creepy guy from Saw sat next to me.
“Hey, Bella.” The voice was familiar, but it was so muffled by the mask I couldn't place it.
“Hi, do I know you?” The guy removed his mask and it was Mike Newton. I sighed in frustration.
“Where's Edward? I thought he was coming with you.”
“He went to get us drinks. You might not want to be around when he gets back. Jessica just tried the last of his patience.” Mike paled and quickly put his mask back on and left.
Edward and I spent the next few hours dancing and talking. We were having a great time. A timid brunette made her way to us and started talking to the guys.
“Hey, Angela. Great party as usual.” Alice gave her a quick hug.
“Thanks. Could I borrow your guys for a minute. There seems to be a problem upstairs and we could use some muscle to get it under control.”
“No problem.” Edward turned to me and grabbed my hands. “Bella, is that fine? I will only be a few minutes.” I nodded and kissed his cheek. The guys followed Angela up the stairs.
I cringed when I saw Mike heading back towards me. He must have been watching us for his opportunity to pounce.
“Mike, Edward will be right back. Maybe you should stick with Jessica. If you leave her alone too long, she will find someone else to hook up with and you will be all alone.”
“Sugar, Mike isn't here and Jessica is so repulsive.” I couldn't believe the voice I was hearing. James was here and Edward was somewhere upstairs. I was starting to panic. “You look absolutely sinful.”
I cringed and started backing away from him. “James, the police are looking for you. They know you killed Lauren and Tanya.” I was panicking. I didn't know how to get away from him. He removed his mask and grabbed my hands.
“I don't want to hurt you. I just want to dance with you. Dance with me and I promise to leave for the evening.” I was terrified to even touch him, but if it was the only way to get him to leave without hurting anyone, then I would gladly do it.
Unfortunately a slow song just started as we began to dance. I almost gagged when I heard the song. It was “Two Steps Behind” by Def Leppard. That was the ultimate stalker song. I remembered the first time I heard it. James and my mom danced to it during one of our first “family” dates. I thought it was creepy then, but now it was even worse. James was rather sadistic, so I was pretty sure he planned everything down to the exact song. I shuddered.
“Sugar, what's wrong? Don't you like my song choice?” I was trying to stay as far away from his body as possible while we danced. Every time I would pull back he would grip me tighter to him.
“No. You danced with my mother to this song, don't you remember?” I spat the words at him.
“Of course I remember. I remember everything about you and your mother. Sugar, she meant nothing to me. She was a means to get to you. It has always been you. I first saw you in the mall with your friends when you were eleven. You had just had your birthday and were exchanging a few gifts. You were exquisite even at that age. I knew the beauty you would grow to be. I followed you and learned everything about you and Renee over the next two years. I was patient because everything had to be planned precisely. It was too easy getting Renee to fall for me. I didn't want to kill Renee, but she did leave me no choice. She was jealous of my love for you. I couldn't have that. You are the only woman who will ever hold my heart.” James leaned in and ran his nose from my jaw to my ear and whispered, “Edward is only a distraction, sugar. Soon enough you will be mine.” He licked my cheek and walked out the front door.
I collapsed into a heap on the floor and started crying hysterically. I felt the familiar hands of Edward pick me up and take me to a couch. “What happened, love?” I was sitting in his lap and had a death grip on his jacket.
“James was here.” I was barely able to speak through my crying.
Edward's grip tightened on me. “What happened?”
“I thought he was Mike. He was wearing the same costume. He told me he would leave and no one would be harmed if I would dance with him, so I did. I was terrified the whole time.”
“I am so sorry I left you alone. I will never do that again.” Edward was rubbing soothing circles on my back, which slowly calmed me. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Yes, let's go home. I just want to be alone with you, Edward.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and led me out of the party.
Alice, Rose, Jasper, and Emmett decided to stay at the party longer. I wouldn't have the girls to accompany me to the restroom to change and clean up. There was no way I could sleep in that dress. Edward noticed the concern on my face when we made it into the room.
“What's wrong, love?”
“Alice and Rose aren't here to go with me to change.”
“I don't know if I'm ready for you to change yet.” Edward smirked at me. “Did I tell you how much I love that dress on you?” He pulled me into a tight embrace and started nipping at my neck. It felt so strange with him wearing the fake fangs.
“I think you may have mentioned it earlier. Edward, I can't begin to tell you how much I love those leather pants on you. They are beyond sexy.” I returned the favor and started nipping at his neck. He shuddered.
“Bella, you really should stop that. I don't know if I can control myself when you look so tempting.”
I continued to kiss and nibble on his neck. He held me tighter and crushed his lips to mine. He gripped my hips tight and pulled me even closer to him. He peppered kisses down my neck to my collarbones and ended up at the exposed swell of my breasts. I slowly raised my shaking hands to his shirt and started to unbutton it. I got the first two undone before Edward stopped me.
“Bella, we can't do this now,” he said breathlessly.
“Edward, I don't want to stop.” Edward's eye's smoldered at my statement.
“Bella, you are vulnerable right now. I refuse to let anything happen between us when you have been put through so much emotional turmoil. You have no idea how hard it is for me to stop right now, love. I would love nothing more than to make love to you, but it wouldn't be right.” Edward held me tight while he explained why he didn't want me.
I couldn't stop the traitorous tears of rejection from spilling. I know Edward wasn't saying never, just not right now. It still didn't stop the hurt I felt.
“Edward, can I have a minute to get changed, please.” He kissed my hand and stepped into Alice's room while I changed into one of his t shirts. I opened the door to Alice's room and found Edward sitting on her bed with his head in his hands. I knelt in front of him and placed my hands on his knees.
“Edward, what's wrong?”
“I'm so sorry, Bella. I should have never gotten carried away like that.”
“Please don't apologize for that. Edward, I love you and want you more than anything. Don't ever doubt that. I got just as carried away as you did.” I grabbed his hands and kissed them. “Can we please go to the bathroom so I can get all of this makeup off and brush my teeth?”
Edward nodded his head and pulled me out of the room. I was washing my face when I heard a strange sound coming from the shower area of the bathroom. “Edward, what was that noise?”
“I'm not sure, love. I'll go check it out.” I watched him slowly disappear around the corner. A minute later Edward ran around the corner and pulled me back to our room.
“Edward, what's going on?”
“Call 911. Mike is in the bathroom, dead.”
I gasped and quickly dialed the phone. The police showed up 15 minutes later. They questioned Edward and me and released us back to our room. They told us to call if we remembered anything else.
Edward sat me on Alice's bed when we entered our room. “Bella, when I found Mike, he had a piano wire wrapped around his neck, a red silk scarf was tied like a blindfold, and a blush rose was on his chest. I would assume this is how Tanya and Lauren were found.”
“I guess now I know how he ended up wearing the same thing as Mike. Looks like he took it from him. Edward, what if he hurts you? He keeps threatening to, and I don't think I could handle it if anything happened to you.” I was crying uncontrollably at the thought.
“Shh, Bella. Don't worry, love. He can't keep avoiding the police. They will catch him and put him away forever.” I slowly got up from Alice's bed and followed Edward into our room.
“Shit!” I looked up to see Edward holding a letter.
It was such a pleasure holding you in my arms tonight. Soon enough, I will be able to do that forever. I would appreciate it if Edward would be more of a gentleman and keep his hands to himself. You are mine and don't care for him taking liberties with you.
Until our next dance,
“That son of a bitch! How is he seeing everything we do?” Edward started going through everything in the room. He finally found a small wireless camera hidden on my bookshelf. Edward ran out of the room and returned with the detective working on Mike's murder. The police bagged it for evidence and reminded us to call them if we found or remembered anything else.
Edward grabbed a few of my darker towels and hung them over the window. He did not want to allow James anyway to see into our room. I was so glad Edward and I didn't do anything more than kiss. It creeped me out to think that James had been watching everything we did in my room.
I crawled into bed with Edward and cuddled close to him.
“I promise to never let that monster hurt you, love.” Edward kissed my forehead.
“I don't know how much more I can take of his games. I am so tired of hiding from him. I just want this all to be over.” Edward lifted my chin and kissed me gently.
James got too close tonight. I didn't like it one bit. I had decided on a plan to put an end to his madness. By Christmas, one or both of us would be dead, and my friends and family would be safe forever.
ReplyDeletecreepy picture by the way. i knew that was not going to be good.
shit. i just . wow. i'm to absorbed, but this is intense. you've got a gift woman
Thanks so much, bb.