“Bella, you’re so quiet. Is something wrong?” Edward grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips.
“I’m fine. I hate leaving your house. I love it there.”
“I know. I promise we will spend some time there during the Christmas break. Do you want to go to Forks, too, or would you rather have Charlie and Tommy come back to my house? I’ll do which ever you prefer.” Edward was always so caring. He always thought of my wants and needs first. That made my decision more painful but definite. I couldn’t allow James to hurt this wonderful man.
“If Charlie can get the time away from work, I would love to spend Christmas at your house like we did Thanksgiving. That was perfect.”
“We’ll talk with your dad tonight, love.”
The rest of the drive back to school was spent in a comfortable silence. That was one of the things I loved so much about Edward. We didn’t always have to talk. We just enjoyed being together.
My calm slowly turned into stress the closer we got to the campus. I knew James would be waiting for us. I had a feeling he would be beyond pissed at my disappearance for almost a week. My nerves were a complete wreck by the time Edward parked the car. Every little noise was making me jump.
Edward grabbed our bags and led the way to our room. The halls were filled with returning students settling back into their rooms. My mind seemed to be constantly occupied with thoughts of confronting James, so the chaos was a welcome distraction.
We had finally made it to our room when Edward froze in the doorway. I peeked over his shoulder and saw a note sitting on the bed. I wasn’t surprised to see something waiting for me from James.
Where the fuck have you been? I looked everywhere for you. You weren’t in Forks or anywhere on campus. You will not disappear again. I will be watching every move you make. I will not lose you. You are the prize I’ve fought to win for the last eight years. I will be successful. You are MINE!
This letter didn’t send the usual tremors of fear throughout my body. I spent this past week coming to terms with my fate. I was fated to face James. I escaped when I was fifteen. There would be no escape this time. I couldn’t live another day in fear for my or my family’s safety. It was time for me to put an end to this ridiculous game James had been playing.
“I knew it couldn’t last forever,” Edward sighed. “James is never going to stop, is he?”
“No, I don’t think so. Hopefully the police will be able to find him and put an end to this.” I tried my best to not let my voice betray my true feelings. I knew the police would never catch James. It was up to me to end this.
Edward pulled me into a tight embrace. “Love, he’s not perfect. He will get impatient and get sloppy. When he does, the police will be there to catch him.” Edward placed a kiss on the top of my head. I loved being wrapped in Edward’s arms. I always felt so safe there. I would be spending a lot of time lost in Edward’s arms this week. I wanted to cherish every minute I had left with this amazing man.
The next week flew by. Between classes, Edward, and my plan to meet James, there never seemed to be enough time in each day. I spent class time fine tuning my plan. It was my only time away from Edward. He would throw a fit if he knew what I was planning. My evenings were spent doing homework, studying, and just being with Edward. I couldn’t get enough time with him.
I wanted to be in complete control of my encounter with James. I decided the location for our meeting would be the Sitka House residence hall. The construction crew had run into some problems and had to postpone work until after the new year. There would be no one around to interfere.
I needed to find a way to contact James without Edward finding out. The phone number he was sending text messages from was blocked so I wouldn’t be able to send him a text. Obviously, he had a camera somewhere in my room. I would find a way to be alone in my room and try to contact him that way.
Getting away from Edward was going to be the hardest part of my plan. He refused to let me out of his sight. The only time we were separated was when I would attend my classes. I would have to make my escape while I was supposed to be in class. Edward’s final class on Friday was located on the opposite end of campus from mine. I would need to give him time to get to class before I slipped out of my class.
I tried to contact James on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Edward left me alone with Alice both days for about 20 minutes to deal with a few of his professors.
“Alice, I’m getting a headache. I think I’m going to lie down for a while,” I said, rubbing my temples.
“Okay, Bella. I’ll be here if you need anything.”
I closed the door to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I prayed this would work. I closed my eyes and just started speaking.
“James, I think we need to meet. I want to speak to you without anyone around to interrupt us. I will be in the lobby of the Sitka House residence hall on Friday at six. I will be alone. Text me to let me know you understand and will meet me.”
I curled up under the covers and waited for a text from James. It never came. Edward showed up fifteen minutes later. He scooped me up in his arms and stroked my hair.
“Bella, Alice told me you have a headache. Is it any better?”
“A little. Can you just hold me a little longer?” I reached up and placed a light kiss on his lips.
I repeated the same speech on Tuesday and Wednesday. James still did not respond. I knew he could see me in my room. I didn’t understand why he didn’t want to meet me. I was completely frustrated on Wednesday, and Edward could tell something was wrong. He crawled under the covers with me and lay on his side facing me.
“Why are you so tense, love?”
“A combination of finals and James. One or the other is enough to keep me on edge, but the two together have me completely frazzled.”
Edward pulled me into his arms and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I had missed the intimacy we had shared at his house. He had barely kissed me since we returned to school. I took advantage of this kiss and licked his bottom lip. He relented and allowed me to deepen our kiss. It felt so good to be completely lost in Edward.
Edward rolled me onto my back and hovered over me. He kissed me deeply, trailing his hands down to my stomach. He slipped his hand under my shirt and slowly ascended to my breasts. A moan slipped from my lips, encouraging Edward to continue his ministrations. He only took his lips away from my skin long enough to remove my shirt.
Not even one minute after my shirt was removed my phone started beeping, alerting me to a new text. There was no doubt in my mind who it was. We both had forgotten about James’s constant presence in our room. Edward reluctantly stopped his caresses and reached for my phone.
isabella marie swan. put your damn clothes back on now. edward better keep his fucking hands off of you.
“DAMNIT!” Edward yelled, frustrated. My phone beeped again.
did i ruin your fun eddie? haha. she is MINE!
Edward handed me my shirt, and I quickly put it on. I climbed into his lap and hugged him tightly.
“Edward, please don’t let him get to you. I’m frustrated too. I want you more than anything, but I don’t want to give James a show. Please be patient. This will end soon, and we won’t have interruptions after that.” I placed a few quick kisses on his lips and crawled back under my covers. Edward spooned me and placed a few kisses on the back of my neck.
“Sleep well, love.”
“Night, Edward. I love you,” I said, squeezing his hands.
“I love you too.”
Edward was sound asleep within fifteen minutes. My mind was too busy to fall asleep. I knew James was watching us, but how? I spoke directly to him the past three days with no response. I had finally come to the conclusion that he could see everything we did but couldn’t hear what we said. Tomorrow I would try a new tactic to reach James.
Thursday afternoon I was a complete mess. Edward no longer needed to meet with his professors, but I still needed a short break alone in my room. Luck was on my side. Edward needed to return the keys to one of the practice rooms in the Prexy music building. Edward tried to get me to accompany him, but I convinced him that I was exhausted and wanted to go to the room and rest. He arranged to have Jasper and Alice stay with me while he ran his errand.
I left Jasper and Alice in her room and closed my door. I only had about thirty minutes to try to reach James. I went to my desk and wrote a series of notes on printer paper. I sat on the edge of my bed and faced the wall. I held each sheet up for about thirty seconds before replacing it with the next. Together, the sheets of paper had the speech I had repeated on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday written out. I ran through the speech three times before I gave up and placed the papers face down on my desk. My phone finally beeped with a new text message.
you better be alone. i don’t think i can stop myself from killing eddie if he shows up.
I shuddered when I read the message. There was no way in hell I would have Edward there with me. I nodded my head yes to let James know that I agreed. Before I could do anything with the new text, Edward walked into the room. I quickly hit the exit button and closed my phone.
“What were you doing, Bella?” Edward asked. He cocked his head to the side and looked completely adorable.
“I was about to call you. I missed you.” Edward kissed me chastely and tucked us into bed for the night.
I was so relieved to finally reach James that I fell asleep quickly that night. I dreamed of Edward and a wonderful future I did not see happening. I saw a beautiful wedding in the meadow from my first dream of Edward. We were surrounded by our family and friends. My dream then flashed forward to our family. We were sitting down for dinner. My family consisted of Edward, me, a brown-haired boy, and a bronze-haired girl. I woke up from the dream wearing a huge smile but with tears streaming down my face. All I could do was dream of this wonderful family I would never have.
I dressed for comfort on Friday. I wore a pair of baggy cargo jeans, a navy blue tee shirt, a Reed College hoodie, and my black Chucks. I had no idea how my meeting with James would go and I wanted to be prepared for anything.
Edward and I stopped just outside the door of my last class of the day. I attacked his lips with a passionate kiss. I poured every ounce of love and want into that kiss. I needed to be sure he knew how much I loved him. He finally pulled away with a confused look on his face.
“Bella, is something wrong?”
“No. I just miss kissing you like that. James seems to always interrupt, and I feel like we are truly alone right now. I just wanted to remind you how much I love you.” I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and looked up at him shyly.
“I know, love. I love you too. You are my life, and I would do anything for you. Don’t ever forget that.” Edward gave me one more chaste kiss and slowly headed to his class.
I held back my tears until Edward had left the building. Once he was out of sight, they wouldn’t stop. I was afraid that was the last kiss I would ever give Edward. I waited five minutes before I left the building.
My first stop was the dorm room. I had written letters for everyone to let them know how much I loved them. I hid the letters in my back pack and hoped they would find them within the next week. I left a note on my bed to keep them from looking for me until Monday.
Tommy needs me. I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you. I will return Sunday evening. I will see you then. I love you.
Forever yours,
I had just laid the note on my pillow when my phone rang. It was Tommy.
“It’s the sister,” Tommy said before I could open my mouth.
“It’s the brother,” I replied sarcastically. “What’s up?”
“I think Charlie can get the time off at Christmas. Looks like we will be at the Cullens’ house with you.”
“That’s great. I can’t wait to see you and Charlie.” I was fighting hard to control the anger and sadness in my voice.
“What’s wrong, B? Something isn’t right,” Tommy said, concerned.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just stressed. Finals are next week.”
“Okay. I gotta run. Bill and Harvey are waiting for me. Love ya, sis. See ya soon.”
“Love you too.” I closed the phone and dropped it on my bed before I dropped to my knees. I hoped Tommy knew how much I truly loved him. I rose to my feet and wiped away my tears. I needed to leave or I would never make it there by six. I ran out of the room before I could change my mind.
The walk to Sitka House was very calming. The pedestrian bridge through the Reed Canyon had just been completed in September. I enjoyed the trees and flowers lining the path. I tried not to think of what I was doing. It was useless. Tears streamed down my face as I followed the path and crossed the bridge taking me over Crystal Springs Creek. James thought this out too perfectly. I had too many people I loved and wanted to protect. He knew now was the perfect time to strike. Hopefully I would be one step ahead of him and would be able to rid the world of his evil.
I emerged from the wooded path with a new determination. I would walk into this with my head held high, knowing I was doing the right thing for my friends and family. Tears were still streaming down my face, but that was unavoidable. I was walking to meet my executioner. I knew exactly what James wanted, and there was no way in hell he would get it. I belonged to Edward. James would have to kill me. He would never touch me.
I slowly pulled the doors open and walked into the dark, empty room. There was still construction plastic hanging from the ceiling, separating the completed areas. I looked around the room trying to find James. He was nowhere to be found.
“Sugar,” he crooned. I shuddered at the name and the sound of his voice.
I turned to find him emerging from behind one of the sheets of plastic. He had a look of victory on his face. I couldn’t wait to wipe that smug look right off his face.
“I’ve missed you so much. It has killed me watching you with Edward.” He sneered his name. “You belong to me. He will never touch you like I will.” I cringed at the very idea of James touching me intimately.
“No, James. You will never touch me like Edward has,” I sneered back.
His face twisted into a look of pure disgust, then rage. “What exactly do you mean, Isabella?” he questioned.
“Exactly what I said,” I answered cryptically. I decided it was time for a change of subject.
“We looked everywhere for the cameras you placed in my room. Where were they?”
“Isabella, you would’ve never found them. I had one placed in the wall. It looks like a tack. I replaced one on your Beauty and the Beast poster. Wasn’t that a gift from your mother?” He was trying to get a rise out of me.
“Yes, my mother did give it to me. You were there for that birthday. You said cameras. Where is the other one?”
“That one I didn’t even have to place. I tapped into your computer and used your webcam to watch your every move. You really should close your laptop when you don’t use it,” he scolded.
I couldn’t believe it. I allowed him access without realizing it. How did he have access to all of this technology and knowledge?
“How do you know so much about the technology? Where did you come up with the money for it all?”
“Sugar, that is the easiest part. I guess you could call me a genius. That is what all of the doctors said. My IQ scored at a 235. The technology is easy for me to understand. Money was never a problem for me. My great grandfather was John D. Rockefeller. I have never needed to nor will ever have to worry about money,” he said smugly. Did he honestly think I would be impressed by his intellect and family pedigree? He obviously didn’t know me as well as he thought.
“Have you worked alone the entire time? I don’t see how you did everything without help.” That question had haunted me since the first murder. James couldn’t be everywhere all the time.
“I had a lovely little helper named Victoria. She was very useful. In fact, she has been keeping an eye on Forks for me the past few days. I wanted to know what Charlie and Tommy were doing at all times.” Was conceit a common characteristic of geniuses? James seemed rather full of himself.
I glanced at my watch and saw that two hours had passed while we were talking. I wondered why my phone hadn’t been ringing off the hook. I figured Edward would’ve tried to call me when he found my note. I surreptitiously felt my pockets and realized I didn’t have my phone. I must have left it on my bed after Tommy called. I figured Edward was going crazy right now. My heart ached at the thought of Edward worrying about me.
I was getting tired of talking with James. I wanted to get this over with. The time had finally come to drop the ultimate bomb on James. If this didn’t get a reaction out of him, I would have to resort to physical violence.
“James, I thought you would like to know that I will never be yours. I belong to Edward,” I goaded.
His eyes formed slits. “What exactly do you mean, Isabella? You are MINE! Edward can never have you. I will be your one and only in every way,” he sneered.
“What do you mean you will be my one and only in every way?”
“I love you, Isabella. I have loved you since you were eleven. You will marry me and I will be the only man to ever love you like a husband loves a wife, emotionally and physically.” He stalked closer to me as he spoke.
“James, that is not possible. Edward loves me in every way. He is the only man who has ever touched me and will ever touch me. No man will ever make love to me like Edward.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared coldly in his eyes.
I answered him calm and collected. “Yes, I made love to Edward. No, he didn’t force himself on me. I love him and gave myself to him willingly.” My anger was starting to get the better of me. “You will never touch Edward. I will kill you before I let you get near him,” I responded to him coldly.
My confession did exactly what I wanted it to. James exploded in anger. He rushed to me and yanked me by my arm.
“You dirty whore. How could you let him touch you like that? You were mine! I bet you just spread your legs for any willing prick. This changes everything. Now I have to kill you and Edward.”
I had finally pushed James to lose what little bit of sanity he was hanging on to.
oh. trouble trouble!
webcams on laptops freak me out a bit. (more so now, thanks)
i have a friend who put a bandaid over hers when she wasn't using it, just in case.
anyways... CREEEEEPER james.
i'm gonna hurt someone.
well, him.
Yeah, I've heard of that happening with webcams. Scary shit.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to hurt James all you want, bb.