My father was so proud that I was attending an Ivy League college, and it was a dream come true for me. He was even happier that he did not have to trade his soul to pay for it. I was awarded the J. Nicholls scholarship from the Pacific Northwest Trust. My entire college career was paid for, including room and board.
I chose Reed because it was close to Forks, the town I have called home for the last three years. My younger brother Tommy has been my best friend during that time, so I had to be close to him. I did not know how I was going to survive without him. Luckily Forks is only a four-hour drive from Reed, so I could go home often.
I was staying in the Old Dorm Block. They were the oldest dorms on campus and centrally located. I would be within a five-minute walk of the academic buildings and commons dining room. I checked in at the front desk and was informed that my roommate Alice would not make it until Friday. That gave me two days to get settled in the room and explore the campus. My room was located in the Abbington residence hall on the second floor. Unfortunately this dorm only had co-ed bathrooms. It would take some getting used to the idea of showering with guys in the shower next to me.
I was extremely lucky to end up in a double divided room, which was basically two rooms separated by a wall and a door. My room was actually pretty big. There was a twin bed along the left wall and a desk in the right corner. I had a wonderful window seat that would be perfect for curling up with a good book. I made my way back down to my truck to start moving my stuff into my room. I easily got the suitcases and boxes moved. It was going to be tricky getting the furniture and appliances that were left.
On the way back to my truck, I tripped over my own feet and fell into a guy, forcing him to drop the box he was carrying. He was not very tall, probably just less than six feet, very slender with short, blond spiky hair. He had a boy band look to him. Not handsome, but still cute.
“I’m so sorry. I hope there was nothing breakable in there.” I felt the blush rise to my cheeks as I spoke.
“No worries. Everything will survive. I’m Mike Newton.”
As I shook his extended hand I noticed how rough and sweaty his palms were. “Bella Swan,” I said, pulling my hand back as soon as I could. I had to wipe it dry on my pants. I figured I would be avoiding his hands at all costs.
“You need help getting your stuff to your room?” He had a hopeful gleam in his eye.
“Yes, please. I have a few things left I can’t get on my own.”
It took us an hour to get my truck unloaded. Mike took advantage of the time and told me all about himself. He was from California where his parents owned a sporting goods store. All he could talk about was sports, how good he was at everything, and how he was God’s gift to women. I was afraid to find out what delusional girls gave him that last idea. I was so relieved when we were finished with the last trip.
“Thanks for all your help, Mike.” I rolled my eyes behind his back as I said it. I tried to busy myself with unpacking, hoping he would get the hint and leave. I didn’t want to be rude and shove him out the door since he had helped me.
“So, it’s about dinner time, you want to come to the commons with me to grab a bite to eat?” I swear he batted his eyelashes at me.
“I’m really tired and would like to get unpacked and set up before I pass out.” Why did I feel so guilty for not going out to eat with him? Oh yeah, because I’m such a push over.
“No problem. Maybe we can get together another time.” He left me his number, and I locked the door behind him. I didn’t plan on using that number unless I was absolutely desperate.
Two hours later I had my room totally set up. Thanks to my wonderful scholarship, I was able to use my savings to purchase the necessities for college survival, including a laptop, mini-fridge, microwave, a decent CD player, and coffee maker. All of this helped make my dorm room the perfect safe haven. I had a feeling I would be here most of the time I wasn’t in class.
I tossed and turned all night. My usual nightmare had me terrified to close my eyes. Every time I slept I would see her and hear him, my mother’s murderer. I finally lost the battle and drifted into the nightmare.
It always started with my mom tied to a chair in my old ballet studio. She was blind folded with her red silk scarf. She was begging for him not to hurt me, while I was huddled in the corner trembling and crying. Our captor walked from the piano slowly toward my mother. He was winding one of the piano wires around his hands. He stepped behind her and whispered something in her ear. The look of sheer terror on my mother’s face at his words sent me into hysterics. As he lifted the wire to wrap around my mother’s neck, she let out a blood-curdling scream and told me to run. My mother’s scream and command would always pull me out of the nightmare.
It was seven in the morning and I was drenched in sweat and trembling uncontrollably. Thank God for double divided rooms. Maybe I could make it through this year without my roommate knowing about my nightmares and start asking about my past.
I grabbed my phone and dialed the one person who always calmed me after the nightmares. “Hey, B. How was your first night?”
“It was fine.” I tried to control the tears, but my hiccup gave me away.
“Don’t lie to me, sis. Did you have the nightmare again?”
“Yes. I know it’s just being in a new place. It will be fine. I just needed a distraction only you could provide.” My tears had finally subsided.
“Oh, Amy tripped in the cafeteria yesterday and dumped her tray down the front of her shirt. It was classic. She had spaghetti all over the front of her shirt. She even got some down her shirt. Everyone was cracking up.”
Tommy always knew the right way to cheer me up. “Thanks for the distraction. I need to get started with my day. I love you.”
“Okay, B. Have a good day. I love you too.” Then he was gone.
A nice hot shower and steaming cup of coffee later, I was finally recovered from my restless night. I spent the day exploring the campus and acquainting myself with my class schedule. I took my time exploring all of the dorms, academic buildings, library, sports facilities, and performance halls. I was so lost in my exploration that I lost track of time. I couldn’t believe the sun was already starting to set.
I quickly made my way to the commons dining room just before they stopped serving for the day. I took my time eating, hoping to delay the inevitability of the nightmare. It was nine o’clock when I started back to my room. I had this creepy feeling like I was being watched, so I kept looking over my shoulder as I walked. I was ten feet from the entrance to the Old Dorm Block when I heard it. It was barely a whisper, but I clearly heard, “Sugar.” I was frozen with terror and couldn’t breathe. I wanted to run, but my feet refused to move. My shock only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like hours. I gasped and made a mad dash for the doors. I was praying the whole time I would not trip. I did not stop running until I was in my dorm room with the door locked. Of course I knew if he were here, a locked door would not stop him from getting to me.
I grabbed my phone and hit the familiar speed dial number. I hated calling Tommy, but knew it was the only way I would calm down. It took thirty minutes of mindless chatter about nothing at all to settle my fears.
I hung up the phone and changed into my Garfield pajama pants and a tee shirt I had stolen from Tommy. I curled up on my bed with Killer, the stuffed cat he gave me before I left. I laughed when he handed me the cat. He said Killer would help me through the nights he couldn’t be there with me. He was always right. I was so exhausted from my tour and scare that I had no problems falling into a dreamless sleep.
I could see the brightness of the sun behind my closed eyes. I wasn’t ready to end my wonderful sleep. It had been at least a month since I slept a dreamless night. I was ready to turn over and try to sleep longer when I heard the whispers.
“Do you think she is waking up?” The mystery guy said with a deep voice.
“I thought she was. I can’t wait. Should we wake her?” This came from a girl’s voice that chimed like bells.
“Maybe you should let her sleep.” It was the most wonderful, velvet voice I had ever heard. I would lay here feigning sleep for hours if it would keep him talking. “Is she seriously cuddled up with a stuffed animal?” the velvet voice asked incredulously.
My eyes shot open, and I felt the heat of my intense blush rise up my neck into my cheeks. I was facing three pairs of curious eyes. Two of the pairs were blue and the third was the most striking emerald green I have ever seen. I could get lost in those gorgeous eyes. I finally regained my composure and tried to figure out what these people were doing in my room.
“I know I locked the door, so who are you and how did you get in my room?”
“I’m Alice. I’m your roommate this year.” Alice was tiny, almost pixie-like. She was no taller than five foot and her short black hair was spiked in every direction. She had a creamy pale complexion, and she was beautiful. Alice was bouncing up and down as she spoke. How could she have that much energy this early in the morning?
“Oh. Well, I wasn’t expecting to see you so early today. I’m Bella, and this is Killer.” I held up my stuffed cat for the introduction. All three of them giggled and looked at me like I was crazy. Luckily my phone beeped and saved me from their comments on my sanity.
“Excuse me one second.” I opened my phone and my whole face lit up with a huge smile. It was a text message from Tommy.
hope you slept well and killer kept the dreams away.
tackle hugs and luv u. -t
I quickly replied.
yes, killer was a life saver. thank you for him
and last night. tackle hugs and luv u 2. -b
Alice was reading over my shoulder and had a curious look on her face but said nothing.
“Sorry about that. So, who are you two?” I asked pointing at the two guys staring at me.
“These are my brothers, Emmett and Edward.” She playfully punched each of them in the shoulder as she introduced them.
Emmett was huge. He was tall and extremely muscular with curly brown hair. He looked like a body builder, but not intimidating. He reminded me of a big teddy bear. His crystal blue eyes held nothing but kindness.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Bella and Killer.” Emmett pulled me into a big hug. I was shocked, but it was nice. It reminded me how I felt when Tommy hugged me.
“Emmett, let poor Bella go before you smother her.” The wonderful voice belonged to Edward. The way he said my name sent chills down my spine. I definitely needed him to say it more often.
Edward also was tall and very lean. He was muscular, but not to the extreme. I had never seen a guy as beautiful as Edward. He could put a Greek god to shame. The piercing green eyes belonged to him. His hair was an unusual brownish-red shade and was in perfect disarray. I don’t think any stylist would be able to tame or duplicate it. It was perfect. I wanted to run my hands through it.
I looked back at Alice and figured we’d better get this day started. “So, you need help moving and unpacking?”
Alice clapped her hands and started bouncing up and down again. “Thanks, Bella. That would be great. Of course, the boys will move everything if you could just help me unpack and set up.”
“Sure, just let me get dressed and I’ll be happy to help.”
I shoved the three of them out of my room, started a pot of coffee, and dressed in a comfy pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top. After eating a pop tart I walked into Alice’s room sipping my coffee ready to help her unpack.
“Why did you choose the other room?” Alice seemed lost in thought as she asked her question
“I spend a lot of time in my room. I didn’t want you or anyone visiting you to feel bad about disturbing me by coming and going through my room.”
“Well, if I have anything to do with it, you and I will both be out and about a lot together.”
We spent the next hour unpacking while her brothers brought everything in. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Edward anytime he was in the room. I’m sure a guy that gorgeous had a girlfriend, but I would never have the nerve to ask him. Alice caught me staring and cleared her throat to break me out of my daze. My face blushed, and I quickly continued unpacking the box I was working on. Alice just giggled and danced out into the hall.
I stood up and headed to Alice’s bed to start on another box when I pulled a typical Bella and tripped on her throw rug. I braced myself for an impact with the floor that never came. A strong pair of arms caught me, and I felt an electric shock. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling; actually, it felt amazing. I looked up into a pair of gorgeous green eyes.
“You should really be more careful. I might not be there to catch you next time,” Edward said with a breath taking crooked grin. I was speechless. I didn’t want to leave his arms. It felt like I was made to fit there. I felt whole and safe in his arms.
That perfect moment was interrupted by a booming laugh coming from the door. “Do Alice and I need to give you two a few hours alone?” Emmett was wiggling his eyebrows up and down as he asked.
Edward quickly placed me on my feet and shot Emmett a death glare. “Thanks for catching me, Edward. I tend to trip a lot.”
The guys finished with Alice’s stuff and started moving into their dorms. Around five we were all finished and decided to head to the dining hall together. We were all seated with our dinner when I looked at the door and cringed. Mike Newton walked in and looked directly at me. Edward noticed my discomfort and asked, “Bella, what’s wrong?”
“Mike just walked in and saw me,” I said rolling my eyes.
“You know Newton?” I could hear the disgust in his voice when he said his name.
“Yeah, he helped me get my stuff in my room the other day. He asked me out and I turned him down. I’ve been avoiding him.”
Edward seemed pleased that I didn’t care for Mike. He leaned into my ear and asked, “Would you like some help keeping Newton away?” I lost all powers of speech at that moment. All I could do was look at him dumbfounded and nod yes. Edward put his left arm around me and pulled me into his side. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he held my right hand. Mike took one look at us and headed back out the door. I hoped Edward didn’t notice because I wanted to stay in his arms a little longer. He smelled wonderful. It was a heady scent touched with honey and vanilla. I had never smelled cologne like that, so it had to be all Edward. I kept taking deep breaths to inhale more of his intoxicating scent.
Five minutes later Edward leaned into my ear again and whispered, “I think it worked, Bella.” He was chuckling as he removed his arm and hand from me. I hoped my face didn’t show my disappointment when I lost contact with Edward. “Thanks for that. You saved me a lot of grief.”
I spent the rest of our dinner learning all about Alice and her brothers. Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme adopted them all. Dr. Cullen was a famous heart surgeon in Portland. Edward and Emmett were both sophomores this year and played on the soccer team. Emmett was dating Rosalie Hale, the twin sister of Edward’s roommate and Alice's boyfriend Jasper. The Hale twins were also sophomores. The Cullens and Hales had been friends for the last six years.
My phone ringing interrupted our conversation.
It’s time for Animaniacs, and we’re zany to the max. So just sit back and
Relax, you’ll laugh till you collapse. We’re Animaniacs.
I couldn’t get my phone out fast enough, so it went through the whole ring tone. I rolled my eyes and got a huge smile when I saw it was Tommy calling.
“When the hell did you change your ring tone?”
“When you were finishing packing. Did it make you smile?” I just knew Tommy had a goofy grin on his face when he asked that.
“Yes, it did, but it is rather embarrassing to have the Animaniacs theme coming from my phone.” I blushed as I said that.
“Good, I live to embarrass you. So, is today better than yesterday? You had me worried last night.”
“Today was great. I met my roommate Alice and her brothers. I spent the day helping her get settled in. We’re actually eating dinner, and then I’m ready to hit the bed.” I yawned at the thought of going to bed.
“Okay, B. I’m glad you had a good day. Keep Killer close tonight and call me if you need to. I love you.” I smiled over Tommy’s concern.
“You know I will. Love you too.”
I closed my phone and was met by curious gazes from everyone. “Sorry about that. Tommy tends to worry about me.”
“No prob, Bella. I think it’s time to head back to the room. It looks like we worked Bella too hard today.” Alice grabbed my arm and led me toward the exit.
“I'm sure Edward had more of a hand in that than we did. He seemed to have his hands pretty busy with Bella earlier in your room.” Emmett slapped Edward on the back with pride.
Edward let out a frustrated sigh. “Bella tripped and I caught her before she hit the floor. Why do you think everything has to be about sex?”
“Eddie, when is anything not about sex? Oh yeah, when you're involved. You are such a prude. I swear you are going to end up a 100 year-old virgin.” Emmett gave Edward a triumphant grin.
Edward's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Emmett like he wanted to rip his throat out. “Don't call me Eddie.”
“Are they always like this?” I couldn't stop laughing at the guys.
“This is actually tame. Never a dull moment with these two around.”
“Ali is just jealous because she can't be as awesome as me.” Emmett grabbed Alice in a bone-crushing bear hug as he taunted her.
The teasing continued all the way back to the dorm. Edward and Emmett’s rooms were located in the Abbington residence hall too. It was nice to know they were close by. They made sure we were safely in our room before heading to theirs. I put on my pajamas and sunk into my bed cuddling with Killer and reflecting on my long day. I really liked Alice and her brothers. They were very nice and seemed to take care of each other and their friends. Hopefully they’d feel that way about me.
Before I finally drifted off to sleep I couldn’t help but think about Edward. The two times I was wrapped in his arms felt so right. I felt whole and completely protected. How could a guy like that ever think of a plain, ordinary Bella as anything other than his sister’s roommate? At least his scent was still lingering on my hair. I pulled a few strands to my nose and inhaled deeply before drifting into wonderful dreams of Edward.
I love your story. looking forward to more chapters~!