The students started setting up a memorial to Tanya, Lauren, and Mike outside of our dorm. They were leaving flowers, teddy bears, and all kinds of photos of the three all over the lawn. I couldn’t help but start crying every time we walked past it. It was a constant reminder that they were gone and it was all my fault. I needed to work on my plan to stop James and put it into action sooner rather than later.
Classes on the Monday following Halloween were hard. The entire campus was so upset and scared. Every class I attended that day was cut short. The professors only presented what was absolutely necessary to keep us on track and then dismissed us. Edward seemed to always know when my class would be done and was always waiting for me when I walked out. It was comforting, but I was afraid his grades would start suffering because of it. I couldn’t handle the guilt of his academic career failing because of me.
I walked out of my last class for the day and into Edward’s waiting arms.
“I missed you, love,” he said and gave me a short, sweet kiss.
“I missed you too. Edward, how do you always know when my classes are over and happen to be waiting for me when I step out?”
He tapped his temple and replied with a smirk on his face, “Didn’t you know? I can read minds.”
“Yeah, right. Really, how do you always know? You are going to your classes, aren’t you?” I hadn’t thought of that before. Would he totally neglect his classes to keep me safe?
“Of course not. I have a system all worked out. I show up and turn in any assignments due, listen to the lecture for while and take notes, and then leave a little early. I have friends in each class that fill me in on what I missed and email me any notes and assignments. It’s working out rather well. I never thought it would be this easy.” Edward grabbed my hand and started walking toward our dorm.
There was a large crowd of people around the memorial holding candles. I hadn’t realized there was going to be a vigil of some sort today. I saw Jessica there sitting on the ground curled in a ball, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down her face. I forgot how much she had lost recently. She and Lauren were always attached at the hip, and even though she continually hit on Edward, she and Mike were close. My heart ached for her. She may not like me, but no one should have to go through that much loss.
I dropped Edward’s hand and sat down next to Jessica. I wrapped my arms around her hoping to offer her some kind of comfort. It was all my fault she had lost two important people in her life.
“Jessica, I’m very sorry for your loss. Please, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.”
“You can get the hell away from me. I don’t know how, but I know this is all somehow your fault. Tanya wasn’t happy about you and Edward, and would tell anyone that would listen. She may not have said anything to your face, but she did not hesitate to tell anyone that she spoke with. Lauren tried her best to come between you and Edward. She wasn’t afraid to confront you. Mike, well he was so lost in his Bella fantasies that none of us could ever be good enough. Oh, don’t get me wrong, he never refused me, but I was never good enough for him. I’m so sick of you. I wish you would just die.” She pushed me away from her and ran into the arms of a guy I didn’t know. At that moment, I truly wish James would just get on with it and quit killing everyone around me.
“Bella, don’t let her get to you. She’s just upset. I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” Edward wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair.
“I know, but I can’t help but feel like it is all my fault. James is just trying to get to me, and all of these innocent people are dying because of it. I don’t want anyone else to die because of me.” I broke free from Edward and ran into the dorms. He followed me but didn’t attempt to stop me. I was in my room before he finally pulled me into his arms again.
“Love, please don’t blame yourself. James is a sick bastard. The police are doing their job and will catch him. Please, calm down.” Edward continued to hold me and whispered soothing words in my ear. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down. We spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other’s arms trying to escape reality.
Mike’s death had been a wake-up call for me. I was tired of being James’s victim. It was time for me to take a stand. I was terrified that the next person on his hit list would be Edward. I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to Edward. He was my soul mate, and I would do anything to keep him safe.
Edward was furious that James actually put his hands on me. He promised me that he would never let him that close to me again. I knew Edward would do everything in his power to keep me safe from James, but if my plan worked, then that was a promise that would be broken. Of course, I wouldn’t hold that against him. I was the one that would make him break it.
Thanksgiving was only three weeks away, and Esme invited Charlie and Tommy to their house to celebrate the holiday. I would be spending the entire holiday weekend there with Edward. I was excited to be spending the holiday with everyone I loved. It might be my last chance to see everyone. My plan to confront James would take place the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Things were fairly routine the next two weeks. We attended classes during the day and spent the evenings talking, watching movies, or reading. Alice dragged us shopping every now and then. Fortunately, Edward refused to let me out of his sight, so I had him to help me reign in Alice at the mall.
During this time, Edward started sneaking off and leaving me with Emmett and Jasper every afternoon. He refused to tell me what he was up to.
“Emmett, why do you have Bella-sitting duty?” I gave him the Cullen pout. I had been practicing it on Edward the past few weeks. Obviously, Emmett was immune to it.
“I missed you. I haven’t had a really good laugh in a while, and I figured hanging out with you was the best way to fix that. You always fall down or say funny things.”
“Gee, thanks, Em. I love you too,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Of course you do. Now, we need to have a serious talk.” Emmett sat next to me on my bed and gave me a look that could rival any father’s serious look.
“Okay, let’s talk.” I turned to face him and got comfortable. What could Emmett need to talk about that was so serious?
“When are you gonna make my little brother a man?” My jaw dropped. Was he seriously asking me what I think he was?
“Excuse me?”
“Listen, Edward is quite the little prude. If you ever want to get beyond kissing, you’re gonna have to make the next move. You do want to do more than kiss, don’t you?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at me.
“Emmett, that is none of your business!” I jumped off the bed and ran to the desk, where Jasper was unsuccessfully hiding his laughter.
“Please stop him. I cannot be having this conversation with him.” My face was bright red and I was practically in tears.
“Calm down, darlin’. Emmett is only looking out for your best interest. You do know that you can talk to either one of us about anything, right?” There was something about Jasper that was so calming.
“I know, but there are some things that I can’t even talk to Alice about.” I lowered my head and let my hair hide me from their eyes.
“Bella, that is exactly why we are here. We will always listen and answer any questions or concerns you have. Alice is the one you want to go to when you actually do have something to reveal. She will squeal and gush over everything you say.” Jasper lifted my chin and gave me a reassuring look.
“I can’t believe I’m going to talk to you two about this.”
“Go on, Bella. We only want to help.” Jasper squeezed my hand reassuringly.
“Every time things start to heat up between us, Edward starts to pull away and says it’s not the right time. When will it be the right time? How will I know, and how will I get Edward to not stop?” I was so nervous that my voice was barely above a whisper.
Emmett got off the bed and was by my side in two strides. “Bella, I think Edward is just nervous. You’re his first serious girlfriend. I can tell how much he loves you, and I think he doesn’t want to screw anything up. As far as the right time goes, only the two of you can decide that. Trust me, there will be no doubt when it is the right time. Until then, just relax and enjoy the time you spend together. You won’t have to worry about Edward not stopping when the time is right. Don’t rush it.” I looked at Emmett in amazement. “What? I do give some good advice from time to time. Just because I like to joke and have fun doesn’t mean I’m not a deep guy,” Emmett said rolling his eyes.
“Sorry, Em. I think you’re right. I’ll just quit worrying about it.” I gave him and Jasper a big hug. I’m glad I had the three weeks prior to Thanksgiving with Emmett and Jasper. They were great guys, and I was lucky to be considered one of their friends. In the back of my mind, I kept wondering what Edward was up to. What was he doing that kept him away from me every afternoon?
I woke up the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving to Edward kissing a trail from my lips down my neck. I couldn’t stop the smile that graced my face. Edward’s lips felt too good.
“Morning, love.” Edward returned to my lips and pulled me into a passionate kiss. He hovered over me, supporting his weight with his left arm and caressed my cheek with his right hand. He slowly moved his right hand down to cup my breast. I couldn’t stop the little jump when his hand made contact. Edward always limited his hands to my waist or above my shoulders. He kissed his way down my neck again, and I relaxed and couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips.
“Edward, please don’t stop.” I arched into his touch. He continued his assault on my neck with his lips as he slowly moved his right hand to my hip. I groaned at the loss of his hand on my breast.
“Bella, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry, love.”
“There was nothing wrong with what you did, Edward. I was enjoying it. I wish you would continue.” I looked at him shyly while biting my lower lip.
“I promise we will continue. I just don’t want it to happen in this room. I don’t like the thought that James has been here. Who knows where else he could have a camera hidden. We’ll be at my house starting Tuesday night. No worries of James at all.” Edward started kissing my neck again.
“Fine. I think you’d better stop your assault on my neck if you don’t want this to go any further.” Edward reluctantly rolled onto his back with his eyes closed and let out a loud sigh.
I rolled out of bed and headed to my dresser to find my clothes for the day. My phone beeped, alerting me to a new text message. I figured it was Tommy. I hadn’t talked with him for the last few days. I was shocked at what I saw when I opened my phone.
why the fuck does that little prick have his hands all over your tits!
The caller ID just read Unknown and did not list a number. How would someone know what Edward and I had just been doing? That was when it hit me, James. He was somehow watching us again.
“Love, was it Tommy?” Edward hadn’t moved or opened his eyes. When I didn’t answer him, he looked at me and panicked. “What’s wrong, Bella?” He jumped off the bed and was at my side in an instant, grabbing the phone from my hands.
“How is that son of a bitch still watching us?” Edward started frantically searching our room for another camera. Ten minutes later we were still clueless about how James was watching us. My phone beeped again with a new text message.
you will never find it. quit looking and keep your damn hands to yourself eddie.
Edward was livid. I started stroking his cheek trying to calm him down. It took several minutes, but he finally let his anger go. He pulled me into a tight embrace. “I promise to never let him near you again, love.”
“I know, Edward. I can’t wait to get away from here for a few days.” I gently kissed his lips, and we made our way to Alice’s room for the day’s torture of shopping.
I was exhausted when Alice finally decided to end her day of shopping. I didn’t understand how she was able to spend hours upon hours in a store and still need more stuff. She was every commission-driven sales person’s dream come true. I’m sure that was why she was treated like a queen at every store we visited.
We slowly made our way back to the dorm. I expected a huge crowd around the memorial. There were always at least twenty people gathered at any given time. I wasn’t prepared for what I actually saw when we finally arrived. The memorial site was blocked of with police tape and there were several police cars and an ambulance in the parking lot. I started to get nauseous. I knew James had killed again. I was afraid to see who it was this time.
We slowly approached one of the officers to find out what exactly happened.
“Excuse me, officer,” Edward said hesitantly.
“Can I help you, son?”
“Yes, sir. Is Detective Aro here?” The officer gave Edward a curious look.
“He is busy at the moment. What do you need?”
“We have been speaking with him regarding the murders on campus and wanted to let him know we were here if he needed us,” Edward said with authority. He seemed to be aggravated by the officer’s attitude.
“What are your names?” he asked with a little more venom than was necessary.
“Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.” The officer walked toward a group of officers and EMTs. A minute later Detective Aro approached us.
“Mr. Cullen, Ms. Swan, I’m sorry to have to see you again under these circumstances. Do you know a Miss Jessica Stanley?” I gasped.
“Yes, sir. She was friends with Lauren Mallory and Mike Newton. We weren’t friends, but we knew each other.” I was on the verge of a panic attack. James must have witnessed our encounter on Monday. Once again, another person was dead, and it was all my fault. I was more determined than ever to end this once and for all.
“We haven’t quite figured out exactly how he is choosing his victims. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t tried to come after you, Ms. Swan. After reading the file Detective Marcus sent me from Phoenix, I was certain you would be a target.” He seemed completely baffled.
“Sir, I think he is after me, but Edward refuses to leave me alone, so he really hasn’t had a chance to come after me,” I said sheepishly.
“Mr. Cullen, I’m glad you are taking such good care of Ms. Swan. I think we are going to suggest that no one be alone. If that deters James from attacking, then it’s better to play it safe.” Detective Aro shook Edward’s hand and reminded him to call if we remembered anything or received anything from James.
I was a complete wreck on the way to our room. I was crying uncontrollably. Edward had to pick me up and carry me to our room. The minute he set me down on the bed, I received a new text message. I slowly opened my phone, knowing the text would be from James.
the bitch had to die. i heard what she said to you. no one speaks to my sugar like that.
I continued to cry. That text was the final straw. This would end. I needed to stand up and face James. My plan was almost complete. I just had to figure out how to do it without Edward knowing. He was always with me. I had to set it up to meet James with no one else around. Edward would throw a fit if he had any idea what I was planning, but I couldn’t let James continue to kill people.
The next few days passed without further contact from James. Edward and I were cautious every time we stepped foot in our room. It freaked me out knowing he was still watching us all the time. We were leaving for Edward’s house on Tuesday afternoon and I couldn’t wait. I missed Esme and really needed some mother/daughter time with her. We talked on the phone a lot, but it wasn’t the same as her being there and being able to hug her. She was always so comforting.
I was looking forward to Thanksgiving but also dreading it at the same time. It would be the last time I would be surrounded by all of my loved ones before I attempted to end this nightmare with James. This could very well be the last time I got to see everyone and make sure they knew how much I loved them. I felt a certain peace come over me as I thought about everyone. I would do anything in my power to keep them safe. If it would cost my life, then I would gladly pay it to ensure that James would never harm them.
nooooooo. no no no no no.
she's talking about dying.
this isn't going to end well is it?
don't answer me. i like the suspense, but whoa now.
LOL. I love your reactions.